Diergaarde Blijdorp

Communication Strategy

Engaging and inspiring the next generation of conservationists


Help Diergaarde Blijdorp reposition themselves as a mission-driven organization by creating a storytelling-focused content strategy and digitizing their marketing efforts.


After Blijdorp’s transformative rebranding, and revitalized website and app, their holistic approach is taken to the next level with a robust content strategy and targeted digital marketing campaigns.


Effectively communicating Blijdorp's conservation mission and establishing a strong relationship through an inspiring and engaging digital marketing and content strategy.

strategic storytelling framework

Zoo-perb digital storytelling and content strategy 

Blijdorp's content strategy was critical for three reasons. Firstly, the market is saturated, making it harder to capture the audience's attention. Secondly, Blijdorp is a large organization with various departments, and a unified content strategy helps team members communicate effectively. Finally, the park is a hub of activity with many milestones that need highlighting, which can be overwhelming and chaotic. 

We began by conducting a comprehensive brand assessment to fully understand Blijdorp and their target audience. Thorough research on the industry, competitors, and communication channels provided valuable insights, identified differentiation opportunities, and uncovered the needs, frustrations, and motivations of Blijdorp’s target group. These findings shaped our content strategy and guided our overall direction. 

The outcome was a strong and consistent content strategy revolving around Blijdorp’s content pillars: conservation, education, sustainability, cultural heritage, research, and events. This approach effectively communicates Blijdorp's mission, resonates with their visitors, and sparks their engagement, while also making sure that all milestones are highlighted equally and effectively.

Stories that educate and inspire action

Using the 3H (Hero, Hub, and Hygiene) model, a framework developed by Google, we created a comprehensive content calendar that spans the entire year. This calendar strategically maps out campaigns that connect Bljdorp’s target audience through heartfelt stories. From the Valentine-themed "Love in the animal kingdom" campaign to "Save the underwater treasures" campaign, every narrative is carefully curated to harness the power of storytelling and forge an emotional bond with Blijdorp's conservation mission.

‘In today's digital society, content is crucial to increase awareness and motivate people to engage in species conservation and nature restoration.’

Jeroen Kappelhof
Research Officer at Blijdorp

Seal of approval: digital marketing excellence 

Blijdorp's marketing strategies have undergone a transformation from traditional to digital. Much of this is because of the shift towards a more digital world, and the demand for a more sustainable approach. To safeguard Blijdorp's unique essence, our approach focused on identifying and preserving the cherished aspects of these traditions, while seamlessly incorporating a digitalized approach.

The introduction of a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system marked a significant stride in enhancing efficiency and embracing technology at Blijdorp. This move streamlines the release of content, email marketing initiatives, campaigns, and more, rendering these processes smoother and more effective for the Blijdorp team. After building a technology roadmap, doing research, and much consideration, we settled on using HubSpot for their CRM system that suits their wants and needs. 

The next development has been the implementation of search engine optimization (SEO) initiatives. With SEO in place, Blijdorp will continue to boost its visibility to existing and future customers, amplifying their mission and the crucial message of wildlife conservation.

Digital with purpose 

The Giraffe magazine has long been a cherished tradition at Blijdorp, predominantly in physical print. However, together with Blijdorp, we recognized the advantages of transitioning this magazine into a digital format and making it a part of Blijdorp’s overall content strategy. Going digital not only makes the magazine more cost-effective and environmentally friendly but also more personal and relevant, making a profound impact.

‘The thought of change, whether it's positive or negative, can be challenging. However, when you seamlessly integrate a CRM system into your business operations, it empowers your teams to adeptly nurture customer relationships, ultimately boosting engagement and driving higher sales conversions.’

Pernilla Jungåker
Senior Marketing Manager Benelux at HubSpot

An exclusive look into Blijdorp’s content and digital marketing evolution 

Ready to deep dive into Blijdorp’s full success story? Put together by our CEO, Pim van Helten, and Blijdorp's CMO, Carolien Ottjes, From zoo to conservation icon: Blijdorp's transformative journey to a sustainable future, provides an inside look into Blijdorp’s content and digital marketing journey, and explores the key factors set to contribute to their long-term success. Download your digital copy now and get all the insights.


  • Witnessing our work on the prominent ad space like at the Willemswerf building filled us with pride.
  • Elevating Blijdorp with cutting-edge campaigns that captivate, inspire, and educate.
DPDK | 2024

Paul Jitta

Chief Growth Officer

Let's tell your brand’s story.

Contact Paul