
Data and analytics

Data is a collection of statistics and facts gathered for analysis or reference. Successful marketing efforts are not based on a wing and a prayer - the key is data and research.

Some examples of data include:

  • Organic or paid traffic on your website
  • Clicks on your Facebook or LinkedIn ads
  • Video views and duration of views
  • Target audience demographics

The amount of customer data you can collect has exploded since the birth of the internet. To protect all this data, the European Union created the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Adhering closely to GDPR guidelines, we make data work for you like it should. Data is a gold mine for businesses and is an enormous help when it comes to creating successful digital marketing strategies, customer journeys, campaigns, targeted digital content, and more.

Data makes your marketing activities worth their while

Combining online data and offline data provides useful insights into your customers’ journey. A prospect might enter the customer journey at different touchpoints, for example, via ads, social media, blog, email marketing, store visits, or word-of-mouth. The key is to have all those channels working together seamlessly to be able to serve the prospect the right information at the right time, and convert. Data improves the customer experience and generates more leads. It makes your goals measurable and able to be monitored with the help of Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s).

Structuring data and connecting the dots

Data is everywhere, and it’s a crucial component of your business’s longevity. Is your target audience using your website or app for its intended purpose? Is your new campaign generating enough leads? Sometimes things don’t go according to plan, and the devil is in the details. We have methods to structure your data in a way that will preemptively detect and solve any issues. And it doesn’t stop there. Optimization is a continuous process and needs to remain in line with emerging trends and technologies. Our team of experts is ready to help.