
Touch screen and retail experiences

The use of interactive touch screens is rapidly becoming popular in retail stores, they meet the demand for interactive features. Improve the retail experience with touch screens by providing on-demand information to customers.

Enhance the shopping experience with digital screens

Wondering how to boost sales in retail? Create an eye catching in-store campaign like we did for Nike React. A touch screen in your store is not only a visual attraction that turns heads and makes people notice you; it also invites them to participate directly in an experience that both describes and answers their questions about your service or product. You can implement this colorful display screen to:

  • Offer a fun learning experience and create brand awareness
  • Providing live consultation and quotes from experts or influencers
  • Answer frequently asked questions or live help
  • Providing an interactive demo or how-to about the product
  • Enable customers to check if their desired product is in stock
  • Offer customization of the product and a selection of the possibilities

Build a creative retail strategy with touch screens

There are a lot of ways to engage with your customers via touch screens, for example by:

  • Running in-store-only promotions to encourage customers to visit your physical store
  • Creating a fun quiz or challenge that offers the ‘player’ a reward or a price if completed correctly
  • Playing a short video or quiz to give your customers a chance to get to know you
  • And much more...

In order to implement a touch screen campaign in your store, we first make sure to develop a creative strategy to engage and connect with the customers in the right way.

Michael Vromans

Chief Creative Officer

Make your brand stand out.

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