Security and quality assurance
At DPDK, we prioritize the quality and security of all our products and services. Our quality assurance team monitors how well your digital product or system's projected results match its actual results. Our security services keep an eye out for any vulnerabilities or weaknesses in your systems.
Guaranteed quality and security
We ensure quality and security through:
- Testing and checking our “Go-live” checklist (which includes all of DPDK’s best insights and practices gleaned from over 20 years of experience)
- Implementing Google’s best practices (Lighthouse measuring performance, best practices, SEO, and accessibility)
- Mobile excellence (following best-in-class, award-driven guidelines)
- Advising and implementing on GDPR compliance guidelines in cooperation with your legal department
- Putting tracking in place (GTM, GA, Matomo) and QA testing (on different devices and browsers)
- Implementing additional ways of testing, depending on your particular needs like user testing, unit testing and penetration testing