
Behavioral Insights

Behavioral insights are findings that help us understand why users make certain decisions as they interact with your product. We gather them through usability testing, a process where we test the functionality of your website, app, or digital product, and observe users' behavior and reactions to it. Usability testing identifies common areas of user confusion and reveals opportunities to improve your overall user experience.

Valuable feedback

With usability testing, we can determine whether your product or service meets user expectations. The goal of usability testing is to discover any flaws so they may be resolved. The feedback you receive will give you insight into your users' pain points and give you an opportunity to modify or redesign any areas that need to change. Ultimately, this process offers a huge return on investment by optimizing your users’ experience. 

How it's done

First, we develop a clear test plan based on customer testimonials. Users are then given specific assignments to complete, and their success rate helps determine the usability of your product. A user test conducted with only six respondents can uncover up to 90% of usability issues.

Our test lab is equipped with the latest Tobii eye-tracking technology, which enables us to literally see your product through the eyes of the user. Studying eye movements provides unique insights into what catches a user's attention and what information they actually process. Those insights cultivate a better understanding of what affects their behavior, decision-making, and emotional responses.

Our usability testing is outcome-oriented, and conducted by highly qualified researchers in our designated testing area. We utilize multiple interview techniques across different devices with respondents from any and all target groups. For our clients, we have a separate observation room, and can provide video and audio of the experiment. You will leave with a comprehensive report and applicable improvements to your product.

Michael Vromans

Chief Creative Officer

Make your brand stand out.

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