These days, everything is connected. From our fridges to our headphones, all of our devices are linked to the web in some way. We create exceptional customer experiences with new technologies like AI that meaningfully improve people’s lives. Discover how we can help you make your daily operations smarter and more productive by implementing the newest tech.
Choosing tech that fits your needs
We will draft a plan that uses the latest techniques to enhance your product experience. Tech solutions might include:
Using Machine Learning (ML) / Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions using the cloud APIs from Amazon, IBM, Google, and Microsoft
Implementing voice technology through the WebAudio API or connecting tools like Google Assistant, Alexa, or Siri
Creating Augmented Reality (AR) experiences with WebAR , the Microsoft HoloLens, or the Magic Leap One
Creating Virtual Reality (VR) experiences with WebVR , Oculus Quest, HTC Vive, or Playstation VR
Connecting with the world of “The Internet of Things (IoT)” - we can help you build proof of concepts using Arduino or Raspberry PI, or even go all out with real-life connected devices like the Nest smoke alarm or Amazon Echo
...or any other crazy idea we might discover together
We understand the desire to try out new technology that can help you achieve your business goals. We will test everything with your target audience, using only the latest technologies that help your product stand out and stay ahead of the competition.