Why Transformation is the new Innovation
In a copy-paste world where trends go global in a heartbeat and user-generated content usurps traditional media, brands that want to survive need to continuously create relevant innovations that fit their target group like a glove. And as brands increasingly move work in-house, agencies are compelled to be more innovative than ever before.
Such is the pressure to break ground in new, cutting-edge ways, we have now reached a critical turning point where being innovative alone is just not enough. Today, agencies need to be transformation-partners for their clients. At production level that means being innovative in all work, while continuing to dig deeper and deeper on a brand level to find the essence. From that core you create relevant, tailor-made answers to complex questions. For us, that’s where the future is: it is the only way to be in charge of change instead of enduring it.
DPDK in Rotterdam
That means looking outside of your comfort zone and across borders; in this Amsterdam issue we are a Rotterdam agency. And instead of moving to Amsterdam, we recently opened in New York. The ever-changing digital landscape of today requires this kind of thinking; bringing forth a new perspective on how advertising, products, and services interact and come together. Looking at it from a digital transformation strategy standpoint, they are all brand touchpoints in the same ecosystem. Not shifting your perspective will result in repetitive patterns of communication and ultimately the demise of your brand.
So, take a good hard look at your target group. And be honest: are you really giving them enough credit? Do you really know and understand them? Or do you know them through GRPs, likes, bounce rates and click ratios? If you want to be a market leader of the future, you need to start transforming now. It takes an unparalleled drive to bring home every project you start and deliver it with the biggest possible bang for buck.
What is epic today can become oblivious overnight. As a digital agency, we know how that feels. Since DPDK started out in 2001, countless technologies have appeared and disappeared, television died - a few times, social media platforms prospered and mobile became the new religion. If we had not adapted, modified and reinvented ourselves many times over, we would not have been around today. Agencies and brands alike have to be prepared to be new every day.
Amid all the evolutions and iterations, DPDK has pursued exceptional digital at every step. Refusing to rely on the prefab and ready-made, we pair vision, knowledge, and passion with a laser-precise eye for form and function. We create, design and build by hand and from the ground up. Sixteen years ago innovation was the holy grail, but today we strive for transformation. From rich animated brand showcases to an intelligent chat service that helps people in preventing STDs and from corporate websites to mobile web VR experiences, we believe in bold work that helps our clients transform their brand all while remaining true to what DPDK stands for:
Exceptional digitalism.